Saturday, 21 December 2024

Ebbs of Journey

It drifts in like a murmuring mist, 

veiling the landscape of the heart.

It lingers in the quiet corners, 

a shadow cast by fume's departure.

In the stillness, tears trace

the contours of loss, 

each one, a witness to memories 

refuses to fade.

Within this ache, 

a seed of resilience lies dormant, 

awaiting the gentle touch 

of time that heals a wringed hand.

Through the fog of delusion, 

glimmers of hope emerge, 

guiding us towards 

the dawn of a new beginning

embracing wonted whispers.

We honor the depth of our 

holding breaths melting into 

the live sizzling hearth.

It finds the strength to journey ahead.

            By M K Mishra

Life Unscripted

 Life does not ask for permission—

it bursts forth, wild and unrefined,

like weeds through cracked concrete.

It doesn’t wait for clarity,

but moves—forward & backward,

sometimes in spirals.

There are no lines to color within,

no script to follow,

just the raw rhythm of breath,

the echo of a heartbeat.

Life is the wind that carries

both whispers and storms,

the sea that gives and takes

without reason or remorse.

It is the space between moments,

the silence that hums with possibility,

the falling, the rising,

the living but beyond sparks.

M K Mishra

The Cardinal Space

 There is a silence now,

not the kind that soothes,

but the kind that echoes—

a hollow, endless stretch

between the world once framed.

I sense the lost shape of your absence

in the air where you once stood,

fingers reaching for shadows

that dissolve into nothing.

The clock ticks even louder in the hollow,

its rhythm mocking the stillness,

counting moments now arid.

The absence of stately smile does

Chase the journey to oblivion.

The jubilant laughter once was the sun,

warming every corner of this life.

Now, the cold creeps in,

soft but relentless,

a quiet defalctor in the night.

The journey of life appears two shores,

divided by an ocean of time,

the tide drifting you farther,

and this cascade is left to wander

Till the breath melts into infinite.

By Manoj Kumar Mishra

O Silver and Silent Soul of the Night

O silver and silent soul of the night,

You drape the world in soft, pale light.

An ardent mate, calm and wise,

Reflecting dreams across the skies.

You whisper tales to the panting seas,

Guiding their tides with gentle ease.

Your glowing face, serene and round,

Holds secrets vast, and unbound.

Through ancient woods and lonely streams,

You cradle the earth in mystic beams.

A muse to poets, a radiant star

The heart of night, giggling afar.

 We know not why you dance, wax and wane,

Yet your presence remains, a soothing refrain.

O moon, your celestial art,

Brightens the heavens, and warms the heart.

By Manoj Kumar Mishra

Wednesday, 12 April 2023


The tattered man
Sitting under a leafless tree
Holds his bleak head high
Thinking of some hope to fall
Till the depth of the night.
Elapsing minutes weakens
His faith on heavens
That revolves with the diurnal course
Of losing life!
His conviction began melting.
And lo! a diseased dog brought
A left over half consumed refuse
Of some stomach stuff!
Sharing the food with animal deity
Restored his belief in the omniscient
Who knows every one's need!
Who knows whose
Trust needs to be restored!

Composed by ©  M K Mishra

Sunday, 9 April 2023

What a bliss it was !

What a bliss it was 

To be with the sparkling frame

Of your long lone days 

When the tinted lips of sinking sun

Kept murmuring of its glorious journey

Along the azure tides of pelagic span!

What a dense delight it was 

To scan the dripping dance of blue birds

Amidst the dawn that kept hanging

Like the stained yellow linens

Just thrown on the face of the Sun!

What a mean mellow it was 

To behold a man's intent 

On seeing a lone mermaid

Who counted her unborn offsprings

And mermaid's eye beams sensing 

His long lost latent generations

On the go of his maiden voyage!

Life to its extent is but a painted story 

That keeps fading each day 

Casting crimson colours 

To the untrodden paths of the mortals.

Composed by ©  M K Mishra

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

The Corona Virus

This chaos, my dear, leads to tumult
Of the churning mind on soft pillow
Pulling all images to smack
With just a gust of strange bang
Of the virus that impelled the mankind
To play hide and seek.

Humans are hidden in their dens
Day and night
Night and day
Peeping out of the windows to behold
The rising and falling of the sun
And the hottest blow of arid air
That squeezes out the saved oomph
That once propelled to lurk
Amidst the meandering rills.

Patient less oozing tarnishes the inner force
Day by day & night by night
In the gully of the lone balcony.
Unspoken tales are mimicked and forlorn
On the concrete terrace by the evening
With no evidence of smile.

We wait day long for the evening to fall
To babble to some known faces
About the battle we overcome oft
Fighting with the rumble of exult.
This day shall pass, my dear,
With a bash of bliss waiting ahead
To have a giant leap in the annals
Of humanity we ever love to rejoice.

©Composed by M K Mishra

Friday, 1 May 2020

Rommel, O Rommel

Rommel Shunmugum lurks
With his hanging camera
Through out the year
Spotting for evident pose
Of effeminate lustre
Like a rumbling stone
And settles around the corners
On the haunches reposed
With the fingers in motion
To capture the breathing lives.

He goes wild in rainy season
For it calls him to embrace
The myriad murmuring beauty.
In winter he winks with squeaks
To shoot the dancing ebbs.
The summer calls him to hibernate
For he rejuvenates his lost soul.

His squeaky walks frightens
The croaking frogs in rain
And curly hairs settle on his ramparts
Through the round glass.
His searching eyes spot
The eloquence moving around.
He laughs but in loneliness
Once in a year on Christmas.

Rommel, O Rommel
Shrug the shoulder
With the friends in fifties.
Time spares none as gust does.
We mortals grow older soon.
None can predict tomorrow.
A decade will fetch us in sixties
And the uncertainty will roar
On beguile to drag us to the shore.

©Composed by M K Mishra

Thursday, 30 April 2020

Her Eternal Repose

Nature never refuted
The lustre she radiated
Through her silent eyes
Speaking to themselves
Of the ephemeral eloquence
Beholding the skeletal skies.

None could sense the innocence
She was blessed with,
Serene calmness of azure lake
She was embalmed with,
Cluster of flying fogs
She was chased by,
In her replenishing tender age.

The blooming passions
Of polished demeanour
Lurked through her passing days
Walking into the silent chambers.
Fathomless fortune favoured
As the knotted bliss melted
Into the robust flow of Lethe.

She rolls with the rising sun
She runs with the setting moon
She sings with the raining drops
She whispers in the darkness
She lingers with her laughter
But she never clamours
Her eternal repose she is gifted with.

©Composed by M K Mishra

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

A Lunatic Intellectual

A lunatic intellectual,
Thrusting his fumed frames
Upward to dismantle
The undreamt warrant,
Mumbles down the lane
of opaque vision.

He dares not diffuse
The uncouth truth
He lived for legion months.
People laugh at his
Outward stature
For an invasive reason
He was loaded with.

But bright stars seldom peep
Into malice through a crooked
Smile scattered around.

The laughing chunks of life
Blooms the withered mind.
The hampered candid paths
Shines bright into broad light
With a jostling gust
To leap through
The unmeasured height.
©Composed by M K Mishra

Thursday, 12 September 2019

Life Beyond Life

A whiff of beguiling commotion
Shakes the blissful
Chords of life
And pulls the nerves
To propel the saintly stance.
Of late in summer
The gasping breaths,
Trumpeting in wilderness,
Whirled the foams of faith,
And dancing eyes
Ebbed into the unison of infinity.
The curved frames sulked deep into
Moist fusion of conscious silence
To mutter the shyness of mantled eyes.
The morning dawned with a promise
To suck the throbbing pains
Gurgling with a swift desire to
Transcend beyond the measured heights.
Time travels on divine chariot
And tangled nerves talk in pleasure
Of the life beyond life.
They speak in knotted morphemes
Of effeminate voices.
The locked frames rub
And intertwine like creeper
But with a soothing smile to lull
The resting soul in peace.
Grace of the age peeps
Through the skins.
But the lustre of the promise
Grows with the growing tree.

                                     © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Keeping Quiet

Keeping quiet is often not doable 
When one toggles with
The strife churning within.
It pulls, twitches, and sometimes
Throws into the deep ocean
To sulk and bury the billowing thoughts
Into the vast stretch of void.
Keeping quiet is often not doable
When one counts to hundred
Into the depth of lurking night.
One wavers on the bed, east or west,
To get lulled into the soft pillow
Casting aside the harboured plank
And lofty dreams of castles high.
Keeping quiet is doable
When one throws himself off
Into the retreating waves
Of rooted trust to be swept away
into the azure world
Where gleams of morrow lie latent into
The smile on a summer's maiden call.
                                        © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra

The Animal Instinct

The animal instinct 
Does not let us sleep
Even on the cosy laps.
It makes our nerve throb
And tatters our fine frame
We are made up of.

A single curved shrug can
Tear us apart from within
And thrash us into the Lethe
Of dubious challenges
To peep into the splashed blood.

Nibble the nails,
Stop by the wood and
Behold a blooming mushroom
By the side of a moist suffocating hay
And the life will reflect
Its own shadow
On the thrust of a stained mirror.

The ceaseless time machine speeds up 
And endless footholds measure by
The counted days to sustain
In the blissful ambience of trust
Letting the suspended breaths
Blare alive in the drowsiness.
What a faith man has
To correspond with the heaven
And harvest a planet of his own
And make a move to laugh with the moon
When he is not certain
He will witness the next sun !
                             © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra

Friday, 6 May 2016

An Old Father

A young one year old child, pointing to a crow that was sitting on the branch of a tree, enquired, “Father, what is this?”
The father, almost startled, replied,"It’s a crow, my child.” The child again repeated the same question, “What is this, father?”
The father replied the same with same enthusiasm. The child kept asking the same question for countless times till the crow flew away. They went home.

The child is grown up now. He is healthy and robust. He is busy now in his own trade. The father has wrinkles on his limbs and countenance. He sits almost frantically alone in that house.

One evening, bored out of his loneliness, on the sudden arrival of his son, something queer happened. “Where are you coming from, my child?” the father questioned. The son nonchalantly replied, “From nowhere.”
The father was taken aback but did not utter a word. After few minutes he was going out.

“Where are you going, my son?’ the father questioned to break his silence almost as hysteric as a paranoiac.

“Don’t you have any business to be engaged in, except poking noses into other’s business? Why do you always fall into my personal affairs unnecessarily and ask nonsense questions? Can’t you remain silent and mind your own business?” the son jeered and went out of the house chafing his nose.

The father did not emit any word but nostalgically reminisced those old days of his young son when he never got tired of repeating the same nonsense sentence “It’s a crow, my child”.

                                                                                                              © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra

What shall it profit a man?

Bygone days had swifter wings
That flied over the assorted lands
And brought the harmonious peace
To tune the music and the gong.

But present borrowed mind is leaning
Forward and backward
Backward and forward
Out and in
In and out
Of the closed room.

No knock, no sound, no stem
Comes from the crowded corridor
After a wavering noise of unbreakable syllables
After the heterogeneous mouth’s utterance
After the pronounced morpheme
From the outside room.

The inside room quivers
In fear, in horror it shudders.
On the bed mind struggles
Struggles and cracks, aches and breaks
Breaks and shakes
For no hand comes to weave
The torn fabric in silent peace.

Winning, defeating, defeating and winning
It runs its own spinning
Of worn out fabric like man made machine
Of iron and steel, of hardest wheel.

I have no rest. We have no rest.
Where should I go now? Where shall I run?
Shall I go to a bookstall or to station?
Or shall I take an aspirin and rest in oscillation?
What shall I do?
What shall we ever do?
Get up at five and on the bed at ten.
And if hungry, a satisfying lunch
And if thirsty, few drops of filtered water
And if no work at seven in the evening
Either a boasting chat or fifty-two playing cards
And if free at nine in the night
 The cosmic news on the screen
And if no sleep at twelve in the midnight
A man of full ambivalence.

We do our formal routine
With respected mind and cunning brain
With cunning brain and respected mind
Like a tired desire of the oldest kind.

The world treads searching
The sense from nonsense
Like a poor young maid
Collecting wastes and fuel
Fuel and food
To us also feed just to the full.

This time offers no rest.
No rest to rest in peace
Except the duty and routine and daily an aspirin.

What shall it profit?
What shall it profit a man
If he wins the whole world
And loses his own soul.
                                 © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra

An Intelligent Child

To test the intelligence of his son, a father calls his son outside his house. No sooner had the son reached near his father than they heard a piercing  sound  faring out of the kitchen.
The father postulated his son, “Go to the kitchen and see who makes the utensils  fall down.”
The son instantly responded almost electrified without moving a step, “It is none else, father, but the mother.”
The father jeered at this and rebuked his son on being rude and disobedient. Angrily he inquired, “How come you know it is your mother only?”
“Had it been someone else, the mother could have shouted like a bull. Since there is no sound booming out of kitchen, it could be mother only and none else” the son countered.

The father outspreads his smile with a gratified expression.
                                                                                                         © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra

For It was Just a Dream

I ever dwindle 
Between two worlds 
Of faith and disbelief 
That she has thwarted me into despair 
And made my senses 
And flamed frame numb.
I know not why I charge her 
For being unfaithful to me 
For it was not she but I 
Who thought to be one with her 
Virtuous blessed soul. 
And for a moment I forgot
The snarling world of living 
“That I am the part of this universe, 
A part of the inhuman humanity, 
Where Faith lies in the secrecy of relations 
Preserved within the treasure of heart.”
I was in time so overwhelmed 
That I divulged myself so soon 
To be inspired to transcend beyond 
The living abode of human life. 
But it was just a dream, and dream 
That came while sleeping and be bygone 
Ere I woke up from the deep slumber 
Of half lunacy. 
What was great before is now so mean! 
The sea of Faith was once full of tide, 
But now, no Intimacy, no Love, no Faith, no Relation 
Do live in the world of wolfish fair. 
Every living lives with a certain philosophy 
Of give and take, and be apart. 
For this is the man, and this is the life. 
This is the grace, and glory of Age. 
The journeys of men now pass like this 
Treading hopelessly, having no greater bliss.
                                               © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra

Nor can Time Stale Thy Grace

O bare beauty’s bride of immortals
You enrapt silence of mystery,
who can't tell your flowery history
And Fair Youth? And unstinted admiration you bear,
All profuse versifiers to your truth begotten,
They lie; of your mystic gracious beauty, swear.
This your stately grace can never stale time
Nor can eternity touch the untouched hymn
Of passionate heart-breathing passions all.

Ah! happy begotten days cannot shed
Luster, on your unveiled truth, soft to the ear still,
Nor ever can bid the spring adieu, till
Your soft heard voices are forlorn on horizon
And ceased in high sounding pant;
Your beauty and chanted incantation
Shall pass through men to men
On beaded wreaths, and ways trodden
Will recall the numbers of holy verses read.

O Fair Youth! You do tease us
As does heaven laugh
On our mortality, weak and half !
When old ages pass on Achilles’s heel
And days are crossed in burden, we feel
What immortal souls were given
But this generation is over on linen,
And past the eyes remain days numbered
We sleep, thus, in deep slumber.

You, ours, a friend to all breathing human passions
Of unwearied men and women, to whom he does say:
Time surpasses the immortality taught
And days of ecstasy, too, shall be wrought
Generations swift come and go
As souls and tide that flow.
But your unuttered voices will be heard
Till the Day of Judgment in peace
And your unspoken tales will ever exist
For today, tomorrow and all the ages I drift.
                                            © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra

Life halts on the pavement

A mad man kept lying on the pavement of Bhopal. He was unaware of the hustle and bustle of the busy city. Pedestrians passed by. But no movement in the body! His tangled  and matted hair told the unspoken tales of his life. The broad day light made no difference. Birds and roaming dogs did not touch his food. It remained scattered & uneaten, perhaps untouched. Untidy and blackened dresses covered his limbs. Blackened feet and face were motionless. Folded hands perhaps were muttering silent prayers in deep slumber. His sky bound lying body exerted the feeling that he was no more. The truth defied the feelings. Lo! he breathed ceaselessly.

He has nothing to recall, nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing to count, nothing to complain, only to cipher the numbered breaths that carry his flamed frame.

What a life of insanity! 

God, it is only You who know your creation! I dare not comment upon.

An insane is never demented with the mania of owning things! It is we who do. His occasional feeble giggles defied the worldly possessions of sane humanity. He spoke but unintelligible words in his serene silence.

Many such unspoken  tales are buried in the wombs of this Mother earth. A simple touch of sympathy may spark the rays of hope in many lives.

Our indifference to such bubbling issues has made us pygmy by the side of our needs. The life halts with a jolt on the pavement thus.

Who knows tomorrow? Who can predict the next dawn? Neither I nor you. Journey of life continues..............
                                                                                                                 © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra

Lines Written in Solitude

Sweet aching sounds come
From an unknown land,
Breaking the organised chords of life;
They enter into pure soul.

This sound that was once the melody,
The motion which afforded the paused breath 
A dancing life like a mermaid
And vision, chasing the phantom delight,
Are  now the tangled mists of burnt-out passion.

Ah, you sound, you motion, you life !
All are gone to strained land
Haply never to come back.
And moist ashes are scattered solely
Past me to sit gazing like flying fogs.

Hark ! this big bang honks
Of unfeigned relation
Where certitude of faith lives
And love gets its full fruition.
                                     © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra