Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Keeping Quiet

Keeping quiet is often not doable 
When one toggles with
The strife churning within.
It pulls, twitches, and sometimes
Throws into the deep ocean
To sulk and bury the billowing thoughts
Into the vast stretch of void.
Keeping quiet is often not doable
When one counts to hundred
Into the depth of lurking night.
One wavers on the bed, east or west,
To get lulled into the soft pillow
Casting aside the harboured plank
And lofty dreams of castles high.
Keeping quiet is doable
When one throws himself off
Into the retreating waves
Of rooted trust to be swept away
into the azure world
Where gleams of morrow lie latent into
The smile on a summer's maiden call.
                                        © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra

The Animal Instinct

The animal instinct 
Does not let us sleep
Even on the cosy laps.
It makes our nerve throb
And tatters our fine frame
We are made up of.

A single curved shrug can
Tear us apart from within
And thrash us into the Lethe
Of dubious challenges
To peep into the splashed blood.

Nibble the nails,
Stop by the wood and
Behold a blooming mushroom
By the side of a moist suffocating hay
And the life will reflect
Its own shadow
On the thrust of a stained mirror.

The ceaseless time machine speeds up 
And endless footholds measure by
The counted days to sustain
In the blissful ambience of trust
Letting the suspended breaths
Blare alive in the drowsiness.
What a faith man has
To correspond with the heaven
And harvest a planet of his own
And make a move to laugh with the moon
When he is not certain
He will witness the next sun !
                             © Written by Manoj Kumar Mishra