Tuesday, 19 May 2020

The Corona Virus

This chaos, my dear, leads to tumult
Of the churning mind on soft pillow
Pulling all images to smack
With just a gust of strange bang
Of the virus that impelled the mankind
To play hide and seek.

Humans are hidden in their dens
Day and night
Night and day
Peeping out of the windows to behold
The rising and falling of the sun
And the hottest blow of arid air
That squeezes out the saved oomph
That once propelled to lurk
Amidst the meandering rills.

Patient less oozing tarnishes the inner force
Day by day & night by night
In the gully of the lone balcony.
Unspoken tales are mimicked and forlorn
On the concrete terrace by the evening
With no evidence of smile.

We wait day long for the evening to fall
To babble to some known faces
About the battle we overcome oft
Fighting with the rumble of exult.
This day shall pass, my dear,
With a bash of bliss waiting ahead
To have a giant leap in the annals
Of humanity we ever love to rejoice.

©Composed by M K Mishra

Friday, 1 May 2020

Rommel, O Rommel

Rommel Shunmugum lurks
With his hanging camera
Through out the year
Spotting for evident pose
Of effeminate lustre
Like a rumbling stone
And settles around the corners
On the haunches reposed
With the fingers in motion
To capture the breathing lives.

He goes wild in rainy season
For it calls him to embrace
The myriad murmuring beauty.
In winter he winks with squeaks
To shoot the dancing ebbs.
The summer calls him to hibernate
For he rejuvenates his lost soul.

His squeaky walks frightens
The croaking frogs in rain
And curly hairs settle on his ramparts
Through the round glass.
His searching eyes spot
The eloquence moving around.
He laughs but in loneliness
Once in a year on Christmas.

Rommel, O Rommel
Shrug the shoulder
With the friends in fifties.
Time spares none as gust does.
We mortals grow older soon.
None can predict tomorrow.
A decade will fetch us in sixties
And the uncertainty will roar
On beguile to drag us to the shore.

©Composed by M K Mishra